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Category: PUB101

WK11 AI Discussions Around Ethics and Education

For the last lecture of PUB101, we went over topics regarding AI a bit more and ended up being sorted into groups for a discussion on different AI prompts. Specifically, each small group was tasked to discuss the impacts of AI in the different fields of life ranging from AI vs human creativity to AI and education. My group had gotten the prompt addressing ethical concerns and implications with AI…

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Peer Review #3

Looking Over Hanako’s Artistic Self Online  For the last peer review of the semester, I got the chance to look over a very artistic and aesthetically pleasing site created by Hanako. I was very impressed with the landing page alone as it starred Hanako herself edited into a background that did not look choppy but very well blended. As you scroll through the home page you can tell that…

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WK10 Reviewing My Content Posts

Looking over my content so far, I was able to cater content towards my Asian audiences for the last few posts based on feedback I received about honing in a particular audience. I thought it was a bit hard to create content that was inclusive to different groups or think about what people would enjoy reading. But I ultimately decided to make a post about some places to check out…

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X-POP Girl Group XG Changing the Music Industry

Featured Artist of the Week This week I’ll be introducing the global girl group, XG, who is under the entertainment production company called XGALX. The company focuses on uniting these young women with bold creativity, dynamic energy, and a strong iconic voice to be able to spread messages on a global scale all over the world. From their website, the girl group is all about becoming a group that can…

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WK9 Monetizing My Site & Target Focus

Our guest lecturer this week was Trevor Battye, who covered topics regarding monetizing your audience based off the content on one’s website. One key note I took down was that regardless of the medium, everyone is selling something on their page. It may not be a product itself but it can be ideas and honing in on communities to generate your content to others – spreading your website awareness. It…

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Critique Towards the Aesthetics of AI & Art

Art sits at the intersection of technology, representation, and influence. This includes literature, film, music, media, visual and graphic arts and are all crucial in storytelling and bearing narratives. Once technologies are related to artificial intelligence (AI), they have a strong impact in the creative field of art (Cetinic, 2022, p. 1). Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming ubiquitous as it makes inroads into the arts. While art is widely considered…

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In lecture we covered topics on content, copyright, AI, and ChatGPT which were all very intriguing but what caught my interest the most was the DALL-E examples provided by Suzanne. I’m familiar with ChatGPT as I’ve used it to understand AI in other classes but during lecture was when I had learnt that you can use DALL-E within ChatGPT itself. The prompts and ideas you can create in the text…

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WK7 Implementing Peer’s Feedback

  The second set of peer reviews were completed this week and after receiving feedback from the TA and my peer, I’ve made some changes onto my site. One piece of advice I had gotten was to change the drop bar menu for my weekly content and podcasts into two separate categories. I had it originally where clicking on content itself would lead the user to a page full of…

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Peer Review #2

Reviewing Bathila’s Reading Bumble Bee Page This week I’ll be reviewing my classmate Bathila’s website titled Reading Bumble Bee. In this review I’ll be looking over their design elements of customizations, typography, the layout, and overall site structure and usability. Based off the title and front cover page, the site exudes a cozy reading space with a cute little bumble bee. Theme  Compared to the home page, the menu…

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