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Category: Peer Reviews

Peer Review #3

Looking Over Hanako’s Artistic Self Online  For the last peer review of the semester, I got the chance to look over a very artistic and aesthetically pleasing site created by Hanako. I was very impressed with the landing page alone as it starred Hanako herself edited into a background that did not look choppy but very well blended. As you scroll through the home page you can tell that…

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Peer Review #2

Reviewing Bathila’s Reading Bumble Bee Page This week I’ll be reviewing my classmate Bathila’s website titled Reading Bumble Bee. In this review I’ll be looking over their design elements of customizations, typography, the layout, and overall site structure and usability. Based off the title and front cover page, the site exudes a cozy reading space with a cute little bumble bee. Theme  Compared to the home page, the menu…

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Peer Review #1

Introducing Rajat’s Phone & Tech Blog This week I’ll be reviewing my classmate Rajat’s website and what sort of online persona he’s created. The website is titled “Know your Phones” with a short description stating it will be about the latest news and updates on phones. Right off the bat, the banner is a photo of several phones and I could immediately tell that this site will be featuring…

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