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WK7 Implementing Peer’s Feedback


Maltigrain drop bar menu showing content and podcasts
Maltigrain drop bar menu showing content and podcasts. Screenshot by Author.

The second set of peer reviews were completed this week and after receiving feedback from the TA and my peer, I’ve made some changes onto my site. One piece of advice I had gotten was to change the drop bar menu for my weekly content and podcasts into two separate categories. I had it originally where clicking on content itself would lead the user to a page full of content posts but the user had thought it was just the podcasts section as my only pieces of content. They suggested to make a place to organize all my works in one page.

Maltigrain menu category change, podcasts added to menu
Podcasts new category added to Maltigrains menu. Screenshot by Author.

Thus, content is now specifically content I’ve created for my site and podcasts now has its new home to highlight its presence. Perhaps I’ll change the name ‘content’ later on but I believe that title is sufficient due to the variety in content posts that have been uploaded. By adding more to the menu it makes it easier for the user to navigate my site in the similar instance that people do not click on ‘content’ itself. Redesigning the menu allowed for more accessibility for users and a more specific approach for what the user wants to find or discover.

Another piece of feedback was to perhaps alter the home page between PUB101 posts and content posts due to the header images displayed. Some photos used for PUB101 headers do not flow as nicely as others and to fix that I decided to change the headers into something more vibrant that match the colourful flow of the site. I’m also working towards filtering posts where the home page will cater to content posts so that PUB101 works will continue to live in the menu section under PUB101.

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