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Author: Stephanie Malt


In lecture we covered topics on content, copyright, AI, and ChatGPT which were all very intriguing but what caught my interest the most was the DALL-E examples provided by Suzanne. I’m familiar with ChatGPT as I’ve used it to understand AI in other classes but during lecture was when I had learnt that you can use DALL-E within ChatGPT itself. The prompts and ideas you can create in the text…

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WK7 Implementing Peer’s Feedback

  The second set of peer reviews were completed this week and after receiving feedback from the TA and my peer, I’ve made some changes onto my site. One piece of advice I had gotten was to change the drop bar menu for my weekly content and podcasts into two separate categories. I had it originally where clicking on content itself would lead the user to a page full of…

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Attending my First SFU Athletics Game

After being a Simon Fraser University student for nearly four years, it took me that long to finally attend my first SFU sporting event at Burnaby Mountain. I had the pleasure of attending the Red Leafs volleyball game against the Seattle Pacific Falcons on November 2, 2023. I’m familiar with the rules of volleyball since I’ve played during my high school days, and being a spectator for the first time…

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Peer Review #2

Reviewing Bathila’s Reading Bumble Bee Page This week I’ll be reviewing my classmate Bathila’s website titled Reading Bumble Bee. In this review I’ll be looking over their design elements of customizations, typography, the layout, and overall site structure and usability. Based off the title and front cover page, the site exudes a cozy reading space with a cute little bumble bee. Theme  Compared to the home page, the menu…

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An Army of Green Little Creatures are Unboxed and Displayed

The Weekly Grain of Malt presents a stop motion animation of a Smiski unboxing from different series. Please enjoy the curious little glow in the dark creatures as they make way to their new home. Smiskis are based from Japan and are blind boxes featuring six Smiski styles following a theme, plus a secret rare Smiski. The boxes come packaged randomly and all the joy comes from guessing which one…

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WK6 F1 Interest and Filipino Representation

This week’s content post is centered around Bianca Bustamante and her achievement in the racing league due to my recent interest in her and F1 itself. I had learnt about Bustamante through TikTok when her videos randomly appeared on my for you page and for F1, I’ve known about the racing league for awhile but never truly delved into it. I decided to make a news article type of style…

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F1 News: Bianca Bustamante is the first female driver to be signed with McLaren

The 18-year-old Filipina racer Bianca Bustamante makes history as she is the first female to join McLaren’s F1 Driver Development programme. Understanding F1 AcademyF1 Academy is a new racing championship introduced in 2023 with a focus on promoting and preparing young women to eventually compete in higher levels of competition – including Formula 1. The Academy is an innovative launch for a female series of motor sport drivers who compete…

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WK5 Creating a More Accessible Site

After the first round of peer reviews, I took the feedback I had gotten from my peer and made changes regarding a few content posts dates as I had posted 3 pieces of work on the same day. The feedback was to change the dates a week apart to fit with my website theme of “Weekly” Grain of Malt posts. I found this very helpful and had changed the dates for…

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Peer Review #1

Introducing Rajat’s Phone & Tech Blog This week I’ll be reviewing my classmate Rajat’s website and what sort of online persona he’s created. The website is titled “Know your Phones” with a short description stating it will be about the latest news and updates on phones. Right off the bat, the banner is a photo of several phones and I could immediately tell that this site will be featuring…

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